(Disclaimer: This is a revision of one of my old articles already posted on the Steem blockchain with the intention of building my Engrave blog)
Hello Steemit friends!
Today I'm signing in for another ''Creative lick'' lesson , this time inspired by the great Steve Morse , one of the most versatile guitar players around and also one of my favorite players , his right hand technique is world-class , combined with an inventive mind and a great sense of melody and you get this great guitar virtuoso.
One of Steve's signature moves is the one-note per string arpeggio but played with alternate picking , though the concept of alternate picking is very basic ( just play upstroke and downstroke with your pick for every note ) it takes a lot of stamina and concentration to keep it accurate.
So , today we are learning this 4-note lick arpeggio that we can later change and adapt over different musical situations . The lick is based over ''Drop 2 chord shapes'' played from the root at the 5th string each time.
Here's the lick first:
It seems a bit long but actually the lick only consists of 4 notes , adapted over the chord families I've been mentioning since my first lesson , basically there are 5 shapes ... and we are only using 4 in this example :
Where do we start?? I would recommend you playing over these shapes first , starting on the same root and adapting the fingering , right hand does the same thing every time , keep playing up and down with the pick and keep a consistent sound , slowly speed it up ( practice with a metronome! )
This way:
Up to tempo ( 175 bpm ):
Here's the lick over some electric piano to hear it in context:
And finally , this is the little backing track if you want to try playing this lick over this :
I hope you like the lick and it inspires you to try some new ideas.